VAIAAI Arson Award Program
What is the ARSON AWARD Program?
The ARSON AWARD program is a voluntary program administered by the Virginia Chapter - International Association of Arson Investigators. The goal of the program is to make available dollar rewards to members of the General Public for providing information or assistance that leads to the arrest of persons suspected to have committed arson. The award program will help deter the threat of arson and help protect the life and property of the citizens in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Thereby reducing the cost of fire control and helping to reduce the cost of insurance protection.
How much is the award?
The dollar amount will vary from $100 to $5,000 depending on the information submitted, assistance given, timeliness of the given information, and risk taken by the nominee. The amount of the award will be determined exclusively by the Virginia Advisory Committee on Arson Prevention and/or International Association of Arson Investigator, Virginia Chapter. More than one award may be given in the same arson case.
Who can be nominated for an Award?
An award may be made to persons who make information available to Fire-Police-Commonwealth Attorneys and other law enforcement officials that leads to the arrest of a person committing arson in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Who is ineligible for an award?
Those ineligible to receive the award are insurance industry employees, independent investigative agencies, police, fire and commonwealth attorney staff members and their families.
Will the identity of the informant be secure?
Every effort will be made to protect the anonymity of any and all persons should that request be made. The local law enforcement agency will collect only enough information about the informant to complete the award application for the Arson Award committee to review and make the award, if applicable. More detailed information on anonymity is outlined in the "Arson Award System Rules".
How does the public find out about the program?
There are posters available from the chapter to be used at the scene or area of a suspected arson fire. The posters are available in two sizes and two languages (English and Spanish). Notify the Chapter via email or contact any of the Officers or Board members for information on obtaining posters.